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2x Your Business

How would you like to double your business this year? It doesn't have to take years or months. It takes one tool and a very simple process where we start with the goal and work backwards.

Return Multiplier

Success in real estate comes down to reviewing your marketing, doubling down on whatever is working, and cutting everything else. But sometimes it's tricky to know the difference.

The Loaner

Learn how to use borrowed listings to generate LOTS of leads, have an unlimited list of listings you can use in your ads, and choose the right listings for lead production.

Craigslist Killer

Three lessons are taught in this Craigslist marketing tutorial --1) Finding your lead number, 2) 3 things you can do to generate a closing <30 days 3) Building a lead machine that works on auto-pilot 



Zillow is far and away the number one home search in the world. We started to wonder, “Is there any way to tap into that traffic without becoming a paid Zillow agent?” The answer is yes.

The Zuck

It is possible to generate free leads on Facebook without spending hours on content or spending a fortune. Set up a lead generation machine that creates quality leads for free.


Start by knowing your market inside and out to become the best agent in your market and then use that newfound knowledge to generate 6-10 new listing leads every single month on auto-pilot.



Upcirculating is a simple strategy with a repeatable and step-by-step process that you can use every time to generate more showings and leads for your listings, and get your posts to go viral every time.

The Bribe Call

Becoming a 6 or 7 figure agent starts with providing that much value to your clients. Learn how to talk to more leads and use a bribe to establish yourself as a market authority.

The Value Stack

Generate the lead, build trust and add value, and close the sale. Those are the three steps to making a sale in any business. The value stack is the secret that makes it work in real estate.          

Bulletproof CMA

The old valuation models are limited and easily manipulated--and new "automated" tools are based on the same old methods. We introduce our 50-pt statistical model for valuing homes that takes < 15 min.

List at 8%

Our #1 listing playbook we used to take 114 listings in a single year as a team...and most of them were at 8% or more. This unique presentation will sell your listings in half the time AND net your sellers more $$.

The Yard Dog

Learn a simple trick for turning your regular ugly yard sign into something that generates business. Then turn that technique into a way to capture generate leads from FSBOs.